Refund and Returns Policy

Adylize Refund and Returns Policy

Understanding Our Services

Adylize primarily offers digital and intangible services such as marketing strategies, software development, and consulting. Due to the nature of these services, traditional returns are not applicable. However, we are committed to customer satisfaction and address refund requests under specific circumstances.

Refund Policy

  • Technical Errors: If you experience persistent technical difficulties attributable to Adylize, and our support team is unable to resolve the issue, a refund might be considered after a thorough review.
  • Our Responsibility: In rare situations where Adylize is directly responsible for significant errors or faults that severely impact service delivery, a refund may be granted.

Limited Refund Scenarios

  • Investments: Services involving investments in software, external assistance, APIs, or platforms are typically non-refundable, as these involve costs incurred by Adylize.
  • Contract Cancellations: Clients who prematurely terminate a contract will be subject to penalties as outlined in their signed agreement. Refunds are usually not issued in such cases.
  • Contractual Terms: Specific refund provisions will be clearly defined in the contract you sign before starting the work.

Returns Policy

As our services are primarily digital, traditional returns are not applicable.

Requesting a Refund

If you believe you qualify for a refund, please take the following steps:

  1. Contact Administration: Directly email your refund request to, providing a detailed explanation and supporting documentation where applicable.
  2. Review: Our administration team will carefully review your request and may contact you for additional information.
  3. Decision and Action: If a refund is approved, it will be processed according to the terms of your contract and in alignment with Razorpay’s merchant policies.

Important Notes

  • This policy is in addition to any statutory rights you may have under consumer protection laws.
  • We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. Changes will be posted on our website.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our Refund and Returns Policy, please reach out to us at

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